Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Today is first day of Hunter Gatherer routine. Got up early and went for a run, was on the road at 5:15 AM, a magical time whatever you are eating. The birds are going absolutely berserk and then when the sun rises it becomes dead silent, calm and peace. No cars on the road, just me and the road, a holy moment in sometimes unholy days. 

After my run, I jumped into the shower and had to drive down I-95 to pick up my daughter in New Rochelle, NY. I-95 will take the calm and peace out of you in a heartbeat. When I got back I had some fresh organic strawberries (4) and some raw nuts (a fist full). I was not very hungry and no need to get more complex. I haven't thought about meals for the day but yesterday I put some beans in water, so I can cook them later today. 

Some asked is milk permitted on the hunter gatherer, I would say no, but I would love your thoughts. There is some interesting research out there that says milk is not the panacea that is claimed. But regardless, it is very processed, and unfortunately even the cow that is the factory is processed, filled with chemicals and drugs. But I will say you decide on the milk front, check out the book "The China Study," it will be informative.
Peace to you and love yourself.

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