Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ended fast today... Seeded whole wheat and blackberries... I look forward to a warm weather fast... Peace and Love

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ending day 4. Feeling the quiet much more intensely, from within. This seems to happen in a fast, the quiet kind of sneaks up on you like the grey during the dawn. Started the day with 3 cups of master cleanse and really drank water for the rest of the day and two cups of herbal tea. I taught the kid's karate class, participated in the adult class at a low level and that was all the physical activity I wanted today. I did not want to run and risk over doing it. Next fast I will include carrots and apples with the veggies for that instant energy before I workout.

I just had a cucumber, celery, spinach, bell pepper juice, it was okay, it hit the spot (wherever that is).

I notice the heart opens on a fast, more compassionate thoughts, greater caring and concern. Occasional anger at the machine, but not rage, just really deep disappointment.  As with all my winter fasts, I feel cold, my hands are cold but other than that I am fine.  Next winter fast will be in Florida or the Caribbean.

Someone asked me did I lose any weight, I don't know, I don't weigh myself, but my jeans are hanging a little looser.

Peace and Love

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 3: Ending day three, feeling good, energy is fine. A little dehydrated this morning which did not go over too well on the treadmill, but at least I did not keel over, that would have been ugly. I am experimenting on this fast with drinking the veggie juice and trying to workout, but I am not so sure this time. Also I am attempting to keep sweets at bay, I miss apples in the juices and carrots, they play a big role in positively impacting the taste. Also I think the apples supply a little needed energy.

I am not fasting to lose weight, I am fasting because there is a need to get cleansed and importantly to gain control of my sweet tooth.  Plus for me, I love experimenting and experiencing all that life has to offer and a fast is just one of those things. I feel it also allows me to play on an edge, safely.

The veggie juices today were: kale, cucumber and a hit of ginger and earlier celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach with a hit a ginger. Last night I experimented with a medley: celery, cucumber, bell pepper, brussel sprout, spinach and a hit of ginger, not as bad as it sound. The bell pepper makes a big difference. The smell associated with brussel sprout was horrible but it tasted better than it smelled (it had to).

I am starting to get into the zone of calm, which is what I love most about fasting.
Peace and lots of love

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 2: Feeling Energized and in Love

Day two: I started the day with between 2 and 3 cups of master cleanse (cayenne, lemon and water). I went  to the YMCA and did my run. I feel like I have tons of energy and not a trace of sluggishness. After running a few errands, I then had a juice of kale, collards, celery and cucumber plus a hit of ginger (from The Stand, love their juices), better than yesterday, so I am on an upward swing but I would be hard pressed to say yum. However, I am starting to feel like I am doing something good for my body. It is about the mind. I mean the energy feels real, but it is like love, it does something to your head and heart that impacts your mind. Being in love feels good... So my conclusion on day two is a veggie juice fast feels like being in love - safe juicing.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

End of day 1

Did I just say I had my worst veggie juice ever? Well, I just topped that, I had asparagus, celery, spinach and kale... Absolutely vile. Has to get better. Other than that day one of fast was cool.


Day 1: An Auspicious Start?

I woke very psyched to begin my veggie juice fast. I went to the Y, ran four miles on the treadmill; it's just too cold to run outside (especially barefoot), it was about 23 degrees. I did some crunches and even looked at some weights and thought this is the year to get the buffed outer body I've seen those guys get in magazines in just six weeks (without working), but right now we will worked at buffed insides.

After the Y, instead of doing my own juicing, I went to Whole Foods and ordered a celery, cucumber and spinach juice with a hit of ginger. The clerk starts putting it together and says, oh sorry no spinach, how about kale, and think that's even better but not tastier. Then she says, oh we don't have any cucumber, how about carrot and I said no just give me a little more kale and celery (how does a grocery store with a juice bar not have spinach and cucumbers?). Now, that drink, I believe, was really good for me, but it tasted absolutely horrible. So every drink after that, will be better; but I have to say, I feel real good.

If we are doing this together, I would like to offer you a cyber high five. Take care