Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 1: An Auspicious Start?

I woke very psyched to begin my veggie juice fast. I went to the Y, ran four miles on the treadmill; it's just too cold to run outside (especially barefoot), it was about 23 degrees. I did some crunches and even looked at some weights and thought this is the year to get the buffed outer body I've seen those guys get in magazines in just six weeks (without working), but right now we will worked at buffed insides.

After the Y, instead of doing my own juicing, I went to Whole Foods and ordered a celery, cucumber and spinach juice with a hit of ginger. The clerk starts putting it together and says, oh sorry no spinach, how about kale, and think that's even better but not tastier. Then she says, oh we don't have any cucumber, how about carrot and I said no just give me a little more kale and celery (how does a grocery store with a juice bar not have spinach and cucumbers?). Now, that drink, I believe, was really good for me, but it tasted absolutely horrible. So every drink after that, will be better; but I have to say, I feel real good.

If we are doing this together, I would like to offer you a cyber high five. Take care

1 comment:

ChazMo said...

Way to go! Your morning run inspired me, I need to get out there today. I won't be joining you on a juice fast but I do need to get my consumption of junk under control.