Sunday, May 26, 2013

Getting it right -Late Spring Fast

Time to get that body into bikini ready shape. If you live on the East Coast you are thinking you may not need to get your body into bikini shape but "they say" winter will ease its horrible grip and we will have days of sweltering heat.

 So here's the deal... We start off with a Juice Fast for five days, starting Tuesday (May 28)... Just like before plenty of Master Cleanse, fresh squeeze vegetable juices, and what is different, we add one fresh squeeze fruit juice once a day. I am focusing on something like watermelon, not the heavy sugary stuff like orange. I usually have the Master Cleanse without the maple syrup because sugar is my drug of choice.

After the five day juice fast, take a few days to reward yourself for doing well, eat some things you love but keep in mind our next step.

Then we will move into a hunter-gatherer regimen for three weeks. In the hunter-gatherer regimen basically we do not eat anything processed. So you wind up eating lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and what I would describe as pure sources of protein. If you eat meat, it can't be cold cuts or processed meats, it also means things like oils are out, let the oil come from the foods you eat. We do this for three weeks, and what I have found is it begins to become a habit, a habit of eating fresh, healthy foods... You start to feel better, you start to feel amazing and you look in the mirror and you say "wow" (in your best Steve Martin voice) I look fabulous. And wham you are on a lifetime of wonderful, until you stop and then we will do it again and again until it finally sticks. The three week target gives us something to gaze upon, but the goal is to positively impact our long term health and really not worry about bikini bodies and the like; in truth your body is beautiful and made perfect, we just want to rediscover the perfect from which it was made.

 On the hunter gatherer regimen keep in mind these are processed foods: candy (eat cherries, blueberries or mangos instead), cold cuts, tofu, olive oil, white flour, white rice, pasta, anything out of a can and many bottles.

 Like before I will be blogging and tracking along on facebook and of course just email me if you want to talk.

 Here are my fasting thoughts if you want to join.

  1. So everyday, try to do three glasses of green veggie juice; any combination of the following: Celery, spinach, cucumber, kale, collard greens, green pepper, wheat grass... Anything green is cool. Add some ginger for flavoring or an apple. Go light on the carrot juice, lots of sugar.
  2. Add one fresh squeeze fruit juice, as I mentioned watermelon is delightful and real good for you, get some of the greenish flesh in there as well.
  3. When you are not drinking the green veggie juice then drink either, Master cleanse, water or herbal tea.
  4. Notice the absence of caffeine, if the headaches get bad have some green tea but try to get the caffeine out of your body. .
  5. If you need support, you can comment on the blog ( or you can hook up with me on facebook or just email me (the old fashioned way?) I think I am Kevin Knight on facebook, look in Norwalk, CT. I am the guy standing in front a mountain.
Master Cleanse Recipe: For every 16 ounces of water, about 3/4 of a lemon, 1/5 teaspoon of cayenne and 2-4 tablespoons of maple syrup (I am not a big fan of the maple syrup but if you need it, try to just put in enough so that you drink a lot, also it should be real maple syrup, preferably grade B, and not the stuff from Aunt Jemima, she is nobody's real aunt). Play with the cayenne and lemon for taste.

Good luck and feel free to share with friends.

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