Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 5: Tough day yesterday. I actually felt fine except for the dumb run and then taking a karate class in the evening. I like to experiment and I realized in the heat and humidity that was too much. Today is a chill day.

I have found my morning meditations have been better, more quiet, more stillness within. I guess no food to muck up the works and definitely not thinking about my next meal. Last night I had dreams of cherries, I think it was my trip to Whole Foods last night, hanging out in the produce section, there are cherries everywhere. 

I felt lightheaded this morning but after a little mild master cleanse, it is gone. Back to heavy-headed?

Today I am going to take it easy. I will probably end this fast tomorrow and allow for a gradual reentry. I usually reenter with a green salad, olive oil and lemon, probably a little humus on the side... and may be a cherry or two :) Then slowly bring foods back into my life, but keeping out the bad stuff. My tactic is to eat most of the stuff that I was juicing (kale, collards, spinach, peppers, cucumbers, beets, carrots...), avoid overeating and avoid overdoing the fruit; too much can be bad for the intestinal track like a Dulcolax cocktail. I want to keep greens the center of my diet, everything we read says that is good (except the Carnivore Times).

Today, I am going to relish the quiet within, even at work, I would like to build on that concept.

Yesterday, I introduced some beets into my juicing, that red gets into everything. I will try some of my collard greens from the garden and of course the usual suspects: celery, cucumber, spinach, bell pepper, carrot and  kale.

Peace, Love and Greens

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