My new idea is the “The Hunter Gatherer Diet”. This may be better than a fast because you are actually eating and since we live in a modern world it is really the modern day Hunter Gatherer Diet (Your local food store can provide the grounds for the hunting and gathering). It is pretty simple, no processed stuff but eat as much of the unprocessed stuff as you want. My objective is to eliminate for two weeks all the processed stuff that is no good. I would recommend people try to go organic and try to eliminate those complex chemicals that are designed to kill little pest and preserve foods, I just get worried about my body processing such complex chemicals.
Cooking foods is completely fine, baking, boiling, broiling but try to stick with regular ovens, stovetop and barbeque, no microwaving.
So here’s what is good:
• Fresh fruits
• Fresh Vegetables (any and all apply, feel free to cook or eat raw, like salads)
• Nuts (could be roasted but without any salt)
• Beans (not canned or bottled), get them dry and then cook them
• Whole grains bought raw at the store, unprocessed and not canned
• You can juice vegetables
• Eggs are good (farm fresh)
• Milk (as unprocessed as possible)
• Raw unprocessed honey
• Regular teas, herbal teas and coffee are okay but not the decaf stuff
For my carnivore friends
• Any meat or fish that you buy raw, you don’t have to go out and actually hunt them down, although some might find this aspect fun. Come to think of it, insects and worms are also good, the ultimate fast food, roaches are really probably the fastest of fast foods.
I am struggling with olive oil, I think no but if you need it, fine; but it should never be fried. No frying allowed!
These foods and beverages are absolutely out:
• Flour, breads, cakes, bagels…
• Pasta of any kind
• Candy including all chocolate (just for two weeks, you can handle it)
• Table sugar, table salt,
• Salad dressings (use oil and lemon juice or some other juice),
• Prepackaged beverages that come in bottles or cans
- (That includes soda, diet or non, juices...)
• Tofu or Tempe
• Cheese
This is a two week experience, starting on November 1. Let me know how you are doing.